In researching an appraisal increase on a home in Whistlers Cove, I came across the fact that homes in this neighborhood were misclassed. All the homes I found in Whistlers Cove appraisals are valued based on a CLASS 5 home category.
However, when you research examples of homes and descriptions of their classifications in the Appraisal Manual, you will find that one of the examples of a CLASS 4 home is literally a property in Whistlers Cove.(see pg. 30 in the Appraisal Manual)
Whistlers Cove is an Al Hogan neighborhood and homes in it are of the same build and quality, except for a few variations in square footage and number of rooms. (I have attached pictures of some of the exact same home configurations in Whistlers Cove.)
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Why is this important to Whistlers Cove property owners?
A homes classification is one of the most important factors in determining a home's appraised value!
The [Appraisal] District does not actually evaluate individual properties but rather does so in mass through the classification of all properties. It identifies the outstanding external physical characteristics through delineation of the land and the improved portions of the individual property." (see pg. 30 in the attached Appraisal Manual)
The market value of property shall be determined by the application of generally accepted appraisal methods and techniques. If the appraisal district determines the appraised value of a property using mass appraisal standards, the mass appraisal standards must comply with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice. The same or similar appraisal methods and techniques shall be used in appraising the same or similar kinds of property. However, each property shall be appraised based upon the individual characteristics that affect the property's market value, and all available evidence that is specific to the value of the property shall be taken into account in determining the property's market value. (Texas Tax Code, Sec. 23.01b) ( https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/TX/htm/TX.23.htm)
What can be done about it?
Property owners in Whistlers Cove can file a protest and have their homes reclassified.
In late April, the Appraisal District mailed property owners their 2023 Appraisal Notice. Friday, May 26th, is the last day for a property owner to file for a protest hearing. Property owners whose homes are incorrectly classified have a right to file a protest in order to have it corrected. (Texas Tax Code, Sec. 41.41.9)
Those who file can expect to have their informal and ARB hearings starting around mid-June, but property owners are able to reschedule once, for any reason. On the back of the Appraisal Notice is a form for protesting. I have also attached a partially filled out Appraisal Protest form with the relevant information filled out. By Friday, property owners can either print out the form and take it in-person to the Appraisal District, they can mail it in, or they can scan an email a copy. (mikes@aransascad.org)
Aransas County Appraisal District
11 HWY 35 N
Rockport, Texas 78382
Please pass this information on to the Whistlers Cove property owners. Not only is time of the essence, but a change in the home classification will result in real savings for the folks of this neighborhood. If anyone has any further questions, don't hesitate to reach out.
Jeff Hutt
(281) 870-6934
Thanks for sharing this info Jeff